Sunday 24 March 2013

Fundraiser Footage - Most Fun I've Had in Years!

As promised in last night's post, (where I provide some further detail on the goings-on I show here,) I've got some great stuff to show you from the fundraiser for the Cannon Street fire in Hamilton, Ontario. Admittedly, my BlackBerry doesn't do video or audio as well as I'd like, so I'll have to invest in a decent camera if I'm going to start offering multimedia stuff on my blog. For now, though, it will give you a good idea how much fun we were having.

A quick note about these videos, though - I asked every one of the bands & performers if it was okay to post these here. In the future I'll have to print off some business cards to give to them, so they know where to go to view their stuff if I cover other events like this. Thankfully they all know about the event page on Facebook, so they can easily find them that way.

Voodoo Ray - Segment One

 Voodoo Ray Still

Alfie Smith

 Alfie Smith Still

Strange Cargo - My apologies to the gentleman originally playing the harmonica with these guys, because I didn't get his name, and he also played earlier with Charly Chiarelli. Feel free to comment below with his name so I can post it.

 Strange Cargo Still

Strange Cargo Featuring Charly Chiarelli

Voodoo Ray - Segment Two (By the way, the "Oh, shit!" you hear at the end is me.)

Charly Chiarelli Featuring Big Phat Band Members and Chris Holton

 Charlie Chiarelli Still (he's on the left). My apologies to the guitarist, as I did not get his name - if anyone knows his name, please leave a comment and I will update this blog posting.

Big Phat Featuring Chris Holton on Guitar

 Band Members of Big Phat, including Guest Chris Holton Playing Guitar on the Left

Big Phat's Energetic Front-Man

 Very Bad Picture that I Enhanced as Much as Possible
(It was almost completely black, so you have to admit I did what could be done here.) This is Voodoo Ray with $5 bills stapled to his chest. My daughter is responsible for the one on the left (technically on the right side of his body). I have to admit I raised a blood-thirsty little girl, who's not actually a little girl anymore.

My immense apologies for anyone whose names I might have misspelled, and anyone whose names I do not yet have for this posting. I wasn't originally intending to record or photograph anything that happened at the fundraiser, not knowing what a treat I was in for. It occurred to me after I watched the first performance of Charly Chiarelli that I was missing out on a big opportunity for myself and my followers. I didn't have a pen to write anything down even! Thankfully I did have my trusty BlackBerry, or none of this would be here.

Okay, I hope you all enjoy the taste of last night's entertainment. It's not the same as being there, of course, but next time you'll know better than to miss out on something like this. You just never know who is going to show up, and what crazy stunts they're going to pull - or let you pull on them!


  1. Thanks from Strange Cargo

    1. You're very welcome. It was a great show. Thanks for performing for our enjoyment!


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