Friday 5 April 2013

Quick and Dirty - Just an Update

I don't have a lot of time for a blog post tonight, so I'll have to make it a quick one. I'm still really sick, so my energy is at a low point. Worst of all, I'm debating on whether or not to take Stimpy in to the vet tomorrow, to have him put to sleep. I'm struggling to get food into him, and I think he may have given up the fight. I may give it until Monday, depending on how bad he is tomorrow. It's a judgment call.

In the meantime, I have an article to write for Feminspire, so I need to work on that tonight somehow. It's not easy to keep up with obligations when you know you're losing your best friend, but the world spins whether or not my ferret is having a rough time. The distraction might just keep me from spending the night bawling my head off and cuddling him, when I know he has to get his rest if there's any hope for him fighting this off once again.

On a positive note, a feminist group I follow on Facebook, called Third Wave Feminism, shared my article on use of the word vagina. It was a bit of a shock seeing it in my news feed. That felt pretty damn good, actually. Strangely, I didn't start out as a writer with any intention of writing about feminist issues. It just kind of turned out that way. I didn't even think about writing for specific causes, such as animal rights, despite the fact that I do consider myself an activist. I just wanted to write. The subject matter kind of chose itself.

Well, I'd best get to work on my article. My deadline is in the morning, so I need to have something worthy of publication by that time.

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