Friday 25 January 2013

A Damn Good Day - Roll Credits Please!

Today's been really cool. I woke up and found out I was going to be working with/for someone I happen to like and respect a great deal, which is definitely something to look forward to. Now, if I didn't have confirmation on this, I wouldn't be saying anything, even with my big mouth. But confirmation has been received, so here it is. I'm the new producer for The Kovacs Perspective. +Steve Kovacs is the host of the show, and I suggest you head over to the website to check this guy out, because he's done some pretty awesome stuff. Just click on the link for The Kovacs Perspective above. Take a look at his bio first.

Now, as if that wasn't cool enough, click on the icon between the big blue arrows to get to the podcasts of his show. The most recent show will be a great place to start. If you're into learning about productivity apps for your smartphone, the first half of the show has a great guest who talks about all that - how you can save time and recover time while you're waiting around for other people, by using some of the apps that are now available.

The second half of the show is going to blow you away. Jeannie Kerrigan is the guest. She's the author of a book called Layla, which is an autobiography. I watched this show live, while trying unsuccessfully to keep one eye on the score of the Raptors game since I was already 'rapt' with attention, focusing on this amazing woman. She survived abuse, ran away at twelve, lived on the streets, was abducted and raped, and then finally came to the end of the horror and turned her life around. Now she helps others do the same. You have to hear about what she's doing now.

Steve's had great guests in the past, and he's going to have great ones in the future. You see, that's going to be my job, along with a couple of other details. I have to give him something to work with. I can't take credit for the guests he lined up prior to this point, but there have definitely been some awesome ones. I've got a lot to live up to.

Now, if you want to be a guest on the show, on the home page of the site there's a place at the bottom right corner of the screen that tells you how. You may have to side-scroll to see it, depending on your screen's aspect ratio. If you have a great story to tell that is pertinent and relevant to people today, Steve may be able to help you tell it.

In the future, on this blog, you're going to see a line-up of the guests that will be coming up on The Kovacs Perspective, so stay tuned...pun intended.

Now for a word from our sponsors.

I'm kidding! Back to our regularly scheduled programming? Okay, the joke is stale now.

As I was saying about having a lot of good things happen today...

The second positive thing for the day was my registration with the physician referral service. I got the letter releasing me from the care of my former physician, which seems ridiculous to me. He worked for me, not the other way around, but then it's kind of like firing him, isn't it? I'll be damned if I'll put up with a half-assed doctor, though, who doesn't care about his patients being in excruciating pain. I'm with the referral service, and they'll likely fast-track it because of my injuries and the need for surgery. One more thing off the to-do list for my return to a real life.

The third positive thing was my daughter getting a call about a potentially decent job. Cashier at a grocery store for 32 hours a week. In this economic climate, with only a high school education, it is not easy to get a job that isn't in fast food, something she swore to never go back to. I can hardly blame her there. After four years at Subway, she has carpal tunnel in one wrist already. Still, a girl's gotta work, even if it seems like lowly and demeaning work. Gotta make the green as they used to say. It's not a given, but the prospect looks good.

They say good and bad things come in threes, but I've got more. Stimpy's bout with nausea hasn't been as bad today as I feared it would be. He's been a bit up and down, but he's had play-times, he's eaten and everything. He's only had the nausea intermittently. He may need an antibiotic to go with the famotidine. I'll talk to the vet on Tuesday, so I have more time to observe him, and more information for the vet. She'll still have time to order meds for him if necessary, so that they'll be ready for pick-up when I bring Pepper in on Thursday.

Last but not least, my head has stopped feeling like it's going to explode. It sure makes it easier to act like I've got a brain in there somewhere, when it's not trying to blow its way out of my skull.

So, that was my day, today. It's amazing how one day can be so different from the next. This is why people have got to stop looking at suicide as a solution. The other day was downright miserable for me in almost every imaginable way, but today is great. No, I'm not manic depressive in the least. The ups and downs were external. The secret is to keep them that way. Don't internalize the uncontrollable. You never know what's around the corner. It could be the next day, or even fifteen minutes. You just do what you do, putting one foot in front of the other. Not the most exciting solution, perhaps, but it's the one that works when things get bad.

Oh, and you tell yourself that these kinds of things happen all the time, and we almost always recover from them. You tell yourself that things always change, because they do. Nothing ever stays the same, even if you do. Look at me. I am in my apartment all the time. Thankfully I'm a homebody so it doesn't bother me really. I rarely go out because I'm not supposed to be walking around. (I can walk, but I've got a hell of a limp at the moment, which I try to hide when I'm out on the street. Predators look for weaknesses, and that's not paranoia talking, it's experience.)

Here I am, stuck in my apartment, day after day, and you would think nothing would change for me. You'd think my life would bore me to tears, but it doesn't. Especially now that I've begun writing on a continual basis. Sure, my writing might bore someone else, and probably does, but it sure as hell interests me. Still, what with doing the same old, same old, things change around me and influence my life in ways I would never expect them to. Change is life.

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